Health Information
For Recent Health Information Videos, scroll down.
Most recent talks are listed first.
The videos and slideshows below were recorded at the monthly health talks and other talks hosted by the Healthcare staff at FVB. They include presentations by area doctors in various areas of expertise, and health advisory information.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Circadian Rhythm on October 10, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
The FVB Health and Safety committee produced this video to help
familiarize new residents with some aspects of their condos.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Fall Prevention on September 12, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk titled Parkinson: The Road Ahead on March 14, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
The video of the Health Panel Discussion of March 11, 2024 is presented here.
Dr. Ramprased Gadi of West Chester Cardiology gave a talk on Heart Health on February 22, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Heart Health on February 8, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk titled Flu Season and You on January 11, 2024.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Parkinsons Disease on November 9, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Stroke Prevention on October 12, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Dr. Aloknath Pandya of Advanced Pulmonary & Sleep Associates gave a talk on COPD on September 28, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Fall Prevention on September 14, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Stress Management, Relaxation,
and Breathing Strategies on August 10, 2023. Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Nutrition Needs as We Age on July 20, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Here's the FVB Health Panel presentation of June 22, 2023
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Hydration and Heat Related Illness on June 8, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Jim Paradis, President of Paoli Hospital, gave a talk on May 19, 2023. Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Sleep and Aging on May 11 of 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Posture and Wellness in March of 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Dr. Ramprasad Gagi and Nurse practitioner Frederick Pereira of Penn Medicine Chester County Hospital
gave a talk on Heart Health on February 23, 2023. Here's the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk on Heart Disease on February 9, 2023.
Here is the video of that talk.
Dr. Sharon Barnes, Director of the Nursing Faculty at Neumann University, gave a talk titled
"Managing Stress in the New Year" on January 26, 2023. Here is the video of that talk.
Chris Rossiter of Bayada Health gave a talk titled "New Year New You" on January 12, 2023.
Here's the video of that talk.