Today is
What's this website about?
This is a website by and for the benefit of the residents and staff of Freedom Village at West Brandywine, Pennsylvania. It is maintained independently by residents and FVB staff, with cooperation from the in-house TV station Channel 1971.
This site recognizes and accommodates the increasing use of electronic devices for accessing the Internet. Its goal is to consolidate and make available, in one place, the volume of relevant information that exists throughout the campus. May it serve as a guide to those who are new to FVB, and a reference for long-time residents. This website is a Work in Progress, and will evolve to meet the needs of the residents.
What's on this website?
Here you'll find:
- Dining Rooms lunch and dinner menus for the week
- Publications, both resident and administration
- Notices of changes, cancellations, special announcements, etc.
- The current activities calendar, coming events, and activities information
- Residents-only Information (login required)
- General information (transportation, shopping, etc.)
- Videos of entertainment, educational, and health information events
- Administration information
and more.
For additional content, click on Login at the bottom left of any page and login. To get a Username and Password, email a request to: To Logout, click on the Logout button just under the main menu.
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Just use the navigation bar at the top to go where you'd like.
Phil Leifer Webmaster |
assisted by dedicated volunteers |